04 Apr 2017
28 Jan 2021
Apps that make managing your (work) life easier

It’s 2017, and we’ve heard your resolution about streamlining your life! Let go and let technology. Nowadays there’s a tool and app for everything to simplify things for you, so why do things the old fashioned (and messy) way? Here are some tools and apps and tools for the New Year! Achieve your way to a clean desktop and mind.
Sprinklr for SOCIAL MEDIA
Ever wonder how some companies manage to post at scheduled times even on holiday? They use a content manager! These days, few companies will post directly to Facebook or Twitter in real time (unless related to an event or live update). Sprinklr helps you schedule updates, assign tasks to colleagues to respond to via social media, and post and reply to content. You can create and distribute posts for weeks ahead of time, to eliminate any worries you may have on vacation. Most content manager systems are not free, but have varied platforms for payment.
Related platforms: Buffer, Hootsuite, TweetDeck
Organize and prioritize with Trello, a project management system that allows you to create tasks, lists or simply fun notes and assign them a deadline. Trello lets you view everything in one glance, and you can tag and include anyone connected with your project. Your group(s) can leave comments, create images and much more. It’s perfect for colleagues that may work virtually or overseas, as the multiple boards and ease of adding members your team stay organized. Think of it as a giant virtual, modern whiteboard, no eraser required. Trello is free to download and use.
Related apps: Asana, Jira
Want to reduce the number of post-it notes strewn around your desk? Evernote is an app for taking down notes, organizing, archiving and combining everything you have in one app. Evernote allows you to create a "note" in the form of a text, a webpage, a photograph, voice memo, attachment, or even a handwritten "ink" note. Notebooks can be tagged, edited, commented on, searched, and exported. Want to use it on more than one device? No problem! Simply log on to your account and access everything via your phone or desktop. Evernote is free to use, with add-ons optional.
Related apps: Quip, Simplenote
Need visual content for your social media, but don’t have the budget to hire a designer? Even the least digital savvy can learn how to use Canva to create high-quality images that fit your budget. They offer numerous templates that make creating what you need as easy as stringing together sentence. Canva is free to use.
Related apps: PiktoChart, PicMonkey
Vowed to create a budget but always fall flat? Mint takes the pain out of making a budget, as you can directly connect it to you bank details. (Farwell, paper bank statements.) No worries on security – the Mint app uses the same security as banks, so you don’t need to stress about securing your accounts and data. Best, Mint will warn you of unusual changes in your account and remind you when you’re going over budget. Mint is free for use, so that’s one thing you don’t need to add it in the budget!
Related apps: Penny, Wallaby